понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

chewing gum remove from carpet::Rub the ice over the gum to freeze it hard chewing gum remove from carpet

chewing gum remove from carpet

chewing gum remove from carpet

chewing gum remove from carpet

chewing gum remove from carpet::Rub the ice over the gum to freeze it hard.
Use the spoon or dull knife to scrape it away.
Dispose of the removed gum immediately before it softens and sticks again.
Repeat until the gum is removed.
The exact opposite of the ice method, this method heats the gum to make it pliable so it can be scraped away.
Use the hair dryer to heat the gum.
Be careful not to overheat the area or it may burn the carpet fibers.
Once the gum is softened, gently pull it out of the carpet fibers.
It may help to cover your hand with a plastic bag or rubber glove so you can use your fingers to work the gum out of the carpet.
Remove as much as possible, then move onto the next method to remove the remaining residue.
This should be minimal.
Apply one of the above items to the remaining gum.
Each of these have a lubricating quality that will help release the gum from the carpet fibers.
Apply the chosen product to the remaining gum.
Work it in gently with your fingers.
Blot or pull gently on the fibers with the soft cloth to remove the gum.
It may also be helpful to scrape at it with your fingernails.
Once the gum is removed, you will need to clean the area to remove the residue from the cleaning product.
Mix a small amount of soap or dish detergent with warm water.
Blot the area with a soft cloth that has been moistened with the mixture.
Continue blotting until the area is clean.
Rinse by blotting with a clean cloth.
Press on the area with a dry cloth to remove any excess water.
Allow the area to dry completely.
Warm vinegar is another cleaner that can remove gum.
After applying it, allow it to set for awhile to give it time to work.
Rinse with clean water.
There are commercial products designed for removing gum.
These are available in the carpet cleaning section in the cleaning aisle and from janitorial stores.
chewing gum remove from carpet::Are your carpets ruined by unsightly
wads of chewing gum chewing gum remove from carpet

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