воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

amitava sen::Read this article to know more amitava sen

amitava sen amitava sen::Read this article to know more.
Whether the child is at school or home developing some good healthy habits is extremely essential.
Let kids explore their artistic side even if they have no talent what so ever.
Play kids must learn to play and imagine every day, at school at home and even in the outside world.
Like a stick can become a magic wand when needed.
But if you get new toys, read and learn the instruction before putting them together.
Gain confidence children must try everything once.
Keep calm even when everyone else is losing their head and blaming the problem on you.
Learn to trust yourself, even when everyone else doubts your abilities, but also listen to their doubts.
Get to know all your strength and weaknesses.
Test all of your weakness until they are strengths.
Keep a journal of your young life and take up hobbies that will help you grow as a person.
Sing and dance even if you have no other place to do it and express how it feels, go ahead there is always your own house or the shower.
Last resort, is lean to whistle.
Be careful to what you say.
Be careful about what you say and those advices you take.
Get to know your parents and teachers.
Listen to what they have to say.
Nonetheless respect your elders.
Have friends and make friends finding our who is truly your friend is a skill, but we want children while they are young onwards to understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on.
Boys get someone you trust to teach you to shave.
Girls get someone you trust to teach you to manage your hair.
Discover that no one is perfect.
Remember the only person who will always truly be with you is you.
Maybe you marry money or have generous parents, but you never know what might happen in the future.
Start young and save money for times when you need to access some personal funds.
It is tempting to depend on others financially, but before you experience independence, you must be independent.
Take your time wait but try hard not to get tired of waiting.
Watch a sun set and a sun rise and spend some quality time trying to get to know yourself.
On journeys, take a book but break for conversation.
Know that if it is worth while it will take time.
Martial arts or jigsaws should teach you some kind of selfcontrol.
Take a trip the earth has much to offer, but still reach for the stars.
Learn to rollerskate, ride a bike, drive a car, take a train and fly someplace once in a while.
Sometimes it will be a triumph and sometimes a total disaster.
But trust me travel!
And while you do all of this remember to keep smiling.
Your whole life is about finding out about who you are, and who you want to be.
Do what you feel is right.
Fill every second you can with joy, for adulthood is not always so pleasurable.
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