четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

get into jeans trying::Sounds like a lot of people do it, and maybe there are some people who would never let it cause unhealthy habits but it does show we do it for looks not health get into jeans trying

get into jeans trying get into jeans trying::Sounds like a lot of people do it, and maybe there are some people who would never let it cause unhealthy habits but it does show we do it for looks not health.
Not very suprising but still sad.
Hating yourself or feeling unworthy can be a hell of a motivator.
Doesnt make it a positive motivator though.
If you can its better to love yourself and look after yourself and the rest will follow.
If thats the case then its up to you, use whatever works.
Personally i say dont use thinnes as motivation because then you risk risking the health benefits if you dont see the numbers change as you want them to.
Thin habits do not equal healthy body but healthy habits will have your body in its best shape and your head wont be weighing you down either.

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