понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.

carpet manufactors::Compatible with most carpet cleaning machines or equipment you can use our carpet cleaner and upholstery cleaner with your own machine or one you may rent from the store carpet manufactors

carpet manufactors

carpet manufactors

carpet manufactors

carpet manufactors::Compatible with most carpet cleaning machines or equipment you can use our carpet cleaner and upholstery cleaner with your own machine or one you may rent from the store.
This makes it simple easy and affordable for you to have fresh, clean carpets all year long.
Simply mix the cleaner as directed and use it in place of the carpet shampoo that you would normally get with the machine, or that you would purchase at the store.
Our carpet cleaner can be used in many different ways.
As a general cleaner to clean all of your carpets and upholstery, or mixed in a spray bottle and keep on the shelf for those quick clean ups from drinks, foods, pets, and other daily spills.
Because of our exclusive no soap formula there is no need to rinse the carpet cleaner from your carpets.
Simple spray the spot, blot it out with a clean white cloth and walk away.
The product comes in an easy to open container and has a measuring scoop for easy mixing.
Once you mix the cleaner with water, you can add it directly to your cleaning machine in place of your regular shampoo, then clean as normal.
Simply pour the cleaner in any type of spray bottle or presure sprayer and apply to the carpet as directed on the label.
Allow the product to sit for 12 minutes, giving it time to dissolve and emulsify the dirt and stians, then clean as normal using only hot water in your machine.
If you prespray, you do not need to use any of the product in your machine when you extract.
This saves time and money.
Most people today are aware of the of using soaps or shampoos on their carpets or upholstery.
These types of products will leave behind a soapy residue that actually causes carpets to attract dirt and soil to them, and in some cases, even cause spots to reappear.
Protect assures you that our carpet and upholstery cleaner contain absolutely no soaps, shampoos, or surfactants , thus making them the most superior carpet cleaning products on the market.
All orders of our exclusive carpet cleaner are backed by a , so you have absolutely nothing to lose, except those ugly spots, and spills.

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